Hello world!


Welcome to the lab! 

13 years in the making but we are live! Official company and all that. Yes, OK, it is not all from scratch, but still … It was about time. Starting all the way in 2002-03 with a team called FPS Visuals. We went through numerous transformations in styles and directions, but we are confident we are right where we should be :)

This is our Lab, a digital playground and place to share.

As a modern media company we are in constant exploration in new ideas, technologies and formats. We will be sharing a lot of designs, research, current and experimental projects we are working on. and also some hopefully interesting and helpful information in the field of Media and Design.

We will try to provide you with relevant, and hopefully useful information on how things work, how are they made and what is what in the world of media technologies.
As the field is in constant evolution, and learning is a never ending process, join us, you may like it :)